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Sun, Sep 30, 2018

The Treasure Principle

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons - 2018 Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21

Sun, Sep 23, 2018

The Prayers of Morning and Evening

Teacher: Tom Blackford Series: Sunday Sermons PM - 2018 Scripture: Psalm 119:145-149

Sun, Sep 23, 2018

Armed With The Mind of Christ

Teacher: Dale Steele Series: Sunday Sermons - 2018 Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6

Sun, Sep 16, 2018

Who Is Deserving of God's Love?

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons PM - 2018 Scripture: Psalm 51:1-2

Sun, Sep 16, 2018

How firm is your Foundation

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons - 2018 Scripture: Luke 6:46-49

Sun, Sep 09, 2018

The Solution to A Troubled Heart

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons PM - 2018 Scripture: John 14:1-6

Sun, Sep 09, 2018

The Devilish Dilemma of Doubt

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons - 2018 Scripture: John 20:24-29

Sun, Sep 02, 2018

Our Reaction Decides the Outcome

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons PM - 2018 Scripture: Genesis 3:1-6

Sun, Sep 02, 2018

The Joy of Work Completed

Teacher: Mark Hull Series: Sunday Sermons - 2018 Scripture: Genesis 2:2 & Genesis 3:17-19

Sun, Aug 26, 2018

The Mind of Christ - part 2

Teacher: Tom Blackford Series: Sunday Sermons PM - 2018 Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11